Wednesday, May 7, 2008

E.J. at bat

Are you surprised at how good I hit? ! Can you hit like that? I like playing baseball. Do you like playing baseball? I wish that you could come to my games. So far I have played the Mets, Rangers, Marlins, Phillys and the Mariners. My team is the Angels. We are a good team. We are undefeated!!! This doesn't show it but I got to run in and score. Don't forget to put a comment please. I like getting comments from you. I like reading your blogs too.....especially making comments. Grammy taught me how to do this.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Firefighter Gary and Me

This is firefighter Gary and me. He is my neighbor. He helps our community by putting out fires. He has put out 150 big fires and 500 little fires. Our world really needs firefighters. If we didn't have firefighters the whole world could burn up. I like my neighbor, Gary and his family.